Trash Collection Services

Garbage is collected weekly by the Street Department for approximately 9,000 residents. Pick-up typically occurs between the hours of 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM, but exact collection time can vary from week to week depending on a variety of factors. Residential household collection is one day per week for residential customers. Up to eight (8) bags per unit, per week, should be placed at curbside no later than 7:00 AM on your route day, and no sooner than 8:00 PM the evening before, for collection. Garbage will be collected from one designated location (either on the curb or in the rear) per property per week. Plastic market/retail bags can be used, but only if they are placed in a trash can. Loose garbage, construction waste, and bulk materials are not permitted to be placed out for collection.

All garbage should be bagged and may not weigh more than forty (40) pounds.  Cardboard must either be placed in bags or on top of other bagged garbage in a can.  Larger amounts may be set out if they are broken down and securely bundled.

Containers should be maintained in good condition and free of ragged or sharp edges or any other defect liable to hamper or injure an employee, and garbage cans may not have a volume greater than fifty (50) gallons. Outdoor garbage receptacles must be leakproof and securely stored out of sight from the street between garbage collection days. The Public Works Director has the authority to refuse collection for failure to comply.

Please refer to the full list of Garbage Collection Guidelines below to ensure compliance.


Please see the Current Billing Rates for the Garbage Fee.


Garbage is collected weekly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Please refer to the Garbage Collection Map to determine your trash day.

Collection delays, cancellations, or makeup days are posted on the City's website and the City's Facebook page.