Business Permits

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Skip to Door-to-Door Solicitors
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Process for New, Relocating or Expanding Businesses

  1. Zoning review is performed by the City's Community Development Department. Additional review by various City boards and departments is not typically required.
  2. Schedule a final inspection with the Western Regional Office of the State Fire Marshal (LaVale office) by calling 301-729-5540. OSFM personnel will inspect for compliance with the fire code and provide a copy of the passing inspection report. 
  3. Submit a copy of the passing OSFM report, business license or other professional licensure, and $25.00 permit fee to the Planner at
  4. Please note: Restaurants and certain other types of businesses require additional approval from the Allegany County Health Department or the Allegany County Board of License Commissioners.

Food Trucks & Mobile Solicitors

The City of Frostburg’s Community Development department is pleased to introduce new options for mobile solicitors and an updated pricing structure for solicitor permits. These changes stem from feedback received from both current and prospective solicitors wishing to conduct business from their mobile units within City limits.  

The following mobile solicitor permits options are available:

  • Long-Term Mobile Business Unit
    • Valid for one year from date of issue - $150.00
  • Short-Term Mobile Business Unit
    • Valid for two weeks from date of issue - $50.00
  • Seasonal Mobile/Temporary Business Unit
    • Valid for 90 days from date of issue - $75.00 per season

Mobile solicitors should complete a General Permit Application and provide copies of an active business license or other relevant professional licensure, passing inspection report from the Allegany County Health Department (mobile food facilities only), and any other permits and licenses required by Allegany County or the State of Maryland.

Door-to-Door Solicitors

Door-to-Door Solicitor permits are available for $25.00 and are valid for one year from the date of issue. Applicants should complete a General Permit Application and provide copies of an active business license and a valid ID for each individual participating in the door-to-door solicitation activities.

Home-Based Businesses

Section 8.1 of the City's Zoning Ordinance specifies which types of home-based businesses are permissible in the City of Frostburg. Generally, residents using their home as their place of work without any other employees or customers coming to the site is permissible and does not require permits. These are considered Type A Home Occupations.

Type B Home Occupations, on the other hand, are home-based businesses in which there may be one employee other than the residents, in addition to customers/clients. Examples include a counselor, tutor, architect, art classes, and in-home family childcare centers.

Type B Home Occupations require a Zoning Use & Occupancy permit prior to opening for business, and may also require reviews from additional agencies, depending on the nature of the business.  For example, in-home family childcare centers require licensure from the Maryland State Department of Education's Division of Early Childcare, as well as a passing inspection report from the Office of the State Fire Marshal. Please complete the General Permit Application to apply for a Use & Occupancy Permit.

For more information about Home Occupations, please contact the Planner at 301-689-6000, ext. 105.

Short-Term Vacation Rentals

**More details on operating a short-term vacation rental coming soon!**

Commercial Signs

All new commercial sign installations require a Sign Permit Application to be completed and must be constructed in accordance with Section 7 of the City's Zoning Ordinance. Please note that signs installed in the Historic District must first obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic District Commission.