Other Permits

Fences, Sheds, & Grading

Fences sheds, and grading projects, including the creation of new parking spaces, require a permit. To apply, please consult the Accessory Structures - Plan Review Requirements sheet then complete a General Permit Application and submit with a sketch of your property and the proposed location of your project, including measurements, fence height, and fence type. Please consult the FAQ section for common questions pertaining to fences, sheds, and driveways.

Chicken Permit

Article 11 of the City Code details the regulations pertaining to keeping chickens in the City of Frostburg. All chickens must be licensed through both the State of Maryland's Department of Agriculture and the City of Frostburg.  To apply, complete a Chicken Permit Application and submit to the Planner at jklink@frostburgcity.org for zoning review.

Apply for a Permit Online Here: