Resources for Tenants
Landlord/Tenant Disputes
The Consumer Protection Division has a Mediation Unit that can help you try to resolve a dispute with a landlord. For more information, please contact the Maryland Attorney General Consumer Protection Division. Consumers can mail a completed consumer complaint form to the Maryland Attorney General's Downtown Baltimore at 200 S. Paul Place, 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202, call the Consumer Hotline at 410-528-8662 or toll-free at 888-742-0023 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m., M-F), or file a complaint online. The TDD for hearing impaired persons is 410-576-6372, and consumers can reach Cumberland Telephone Assistance at 301-722-2000 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of each month).
Legal Services
The Legal Aid Bureau, Inc., is a private nonprofit law firm that offers free legal services to people with limited incomes. If you require legal help to resolve a landlord-tenant dispute, and are financially eligible for the Bureau's services, you can go to one of the Legal Aid offices located throughout the state. The Western Maryland Office is located at 138 Baltimore Street, Suite 204, Cumberland, MD 21502, and can be reached by phone at 301-777-7474 or 866-389-5243.