Mayor & Council Meetings
Purpose of Regular Meetings
The Mayor & Council conduct the City's business and provide direction to staff during regularly scheduled meetings. Part of its decision-making process includes holding adopting legislation; making budget and purchase decisions; listening to citizens; appointing persons to the City's Boards and Commissions; and reviewing recommendations from Boards and Commissions.
Work Session
Work Sessions of the Mayor and City Council are held once monthly on the second Tuesday of each month. They are held at 4:00 pm at Frostburg City Hall, 37 Broadway, in Meeting Room 100, unless otherwise noted. If there are many issues for consideration by the Mayor and Council, additional Work Sessions may be scheduled with advance notice to the public. These are informal meetings scheduled for the Mayor and Council and staff to discuss various matters, issues, and projects in depth, some of which will be voted upon an upcoming Council meeting. Typically, decisions aren't made during work sessions, but certain matters may be addressed on a case-by-case basis as needed. The meetings are open and the public is welcome to attend and observe. The meetings are also livestreamed on the City's YouTube channel and the video is available through the Meeting Portal.
Mayor & Council Monthly Meeting
Mayor and City Council meetings are held once monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. They take place at City Hall, 37 Broadway, in the Meeting Room 100, and begin at 5:30 pm. These meetings are open to the public with opportunity for public comment. The meetings are also livestreamed on the City's YouTube channel and the video is available through the Meeting Portal. The public is provided an opportunity to offer public comment specific to each vote the Mayor takes to approve a Resolution. Public Hearings are held on certain matters an offer an additional opportunity to offer formal public comment. Each meeting concludes with an opportunity for the public to be able to offer general comments, suggestions, concerns, or questions.
Public Hearings
Public Hearings are held during Council's regular meetings. State or City law often requires a Public Hearing be held in advance of setting the tax rate, adopting a budget, annexing property, incurring debt, applying for certain grant funds, and other matters. Because the Council's legislative decisions will typically have a broad application, citizen contacts and comments are expected and encouraged.
Closed Sessions
The Mayor and Council will meet in closed session as needed to discuss sensitive matters or receive information. Maryland's Open Meetings Act specifically defines the topics in which the Mayor and Council may meet in closed session to discuss; all other matters that are not exempted in the Open Meetings Act are discussed in open Public Meetings. Closed session topics may include personnel matters (related to one or more specific individuals), real property transactions to protect the City's interests in negotiation, litigation, and economic development opportunities that remain confidential. If the matter discussed in a closed session requires a formal action by the Mayor and Council, that action will be considered during a public meeting.