Building Permits
Which Projects Require a Building Permit?
- New construction (residential and commercial)
- Major renovations involving structural changes or the removal of drywall (residential and commercial)
- Conversions (single-family to duplex, or vice versa)
- Decks/Porches (new or re-build)
- Garages
- Additions
- Retaining walls (only if 30" or greater above grade, or if retaining a parking area)
- Swimming pools/hot tubs (only for pools/hot tubs greater than 24" in depth)
- Solar installations
Demolition Permits
Demolition permits are required for the demolition of homes, garages, and other accessory structures within City limits. To begin the process, please complete the Demolition Permit Application and submit with all required attachments to the Planner. Please note that if a property is located in the Historic District, a Certificate of Appropriateness is required before demolition may be scheduled.
Plan Review Requirements
Please review the appropriate Plan Review Requirements sheet which pertains to your project to ensure that all necessary details are included in your plans. These lists includes project-specific details for Commercial and Multifamily Development, New Single Family Homes (including additions), Accessory Structures (includes information on garages), Retaining Walls, and Solar Installations.
Application Process
- Complete a Building Permit Application
- Submit plans and any required supplemental materials online, via email, or in person at 37 Broadway, Second Floor. Be sure to review the appropriate Plan Review Requirements document to ensure that all information is included in your plan submission. Incomplete plans will result in delayed permit issuance.
- Zoning review conducted by the Planner.
- Once approved, plans are transmitted to MEGCO Inspections for plan review. Please allow 7-10 working days for plan review, although the turnaround time can vary according to the project size.
- Plans released to staff or returned to the applicant for modifications.
- City staff contacts the applicant to notify of the permit and inspection fees.
- Permit issued upon payment of fees. Applicant is provided with the Residential Inspection Requirements sheet, which details how and when to schedule any inspections associated with the project.
- As construction progresses, all inspections must be scheduled through MEGCO Inspections. Inspections can be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance by calling 1-800-304-5942.
Additional Reviews & Submission Requirements
- All multifamily and commercial plans must be stamped by an engineer or licensed design professional.
- All multifamily and commercial construction must be reviewed by the Frostburg Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. In order to have your project reviewed, please complete a Subdivision and Land Development Application.
- All properties in the Historic District must receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic District Commission prior to making exterior modifications.
- A standard Sediment and Erosion Control plan is required for any earth disturbance over 5,000 sq. feet and/or exceeding 100 Cubic yards of cut/fill. Please contact the Allegany Soil Conservation District for more information.
Online Permit Applications
The City now offers the ability for the public to utilize the Permit Portal to submit applications and plans to the Community Development Department, check the status of active permits, and accept payment for permit fees online. Click the link below and complete the pre-submittal application for your request. You will then be contacted by a staff member to complete the submission process. Please call 301-689-6000, ext. 105 with any permit-related questions.
Permit Fees
All permit fees are calculated based on the City's current fee schedule. Please see the FY 24-25 Fee Schedule for fees associated with building permits, and call 301-689-6000, ext. 105 with any questions related to permit fees.